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Session spotlight: How can TVET lead the green transition? 

Join global experts to discuss the role of skills training in building a workforce ready for the green economy in a highly anticipated session at WorldSkills Conference 2024, “Keeping climate promises: How TVET can lead the green transition.”

As industries worldwide adapt to address climate breakdown, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) plays a crucial role in equipping the workforce with the necessary green skills. On 11 September, WorldSkills Conference 2024 will bring together experts in the field to tackle a pressing question: how can we build educational frameworks that prepare the workforce for the environmental, social, and governance priorities of our time?

Olga Strietska-Ilina, Area Lead for Skills Strategies for Future Labour Markets at the ILO, will moderate a panel featuring the diverse perspectives of five experts:

  • Jullada Meejul, Deputy Director General, Thailand Professional Qualification Institute.
  • Juan Pablo Davila, Head of the Skills Development and Fair Production Unit at UNIDO.
  • Andy Hurst, Vice President Global Sales at Festo Didactic.
  • Theophilus Tetteh Zogblah, Deputy Director Standards at CTVET Ghana.
  • Marko Aaltonen, Head of Unit and Senior Advisor Education at the Finnish National Agency for Education.
  • Emmanuel Schneider, Programme Director Skills Strategy for Ecological Planning, General Secretary for Ecological Planification SGPE, France.

The panel will review major steps in adapting TVET to the green transition and explore resources to help countries prepare their workforce for the future. While most of the session will focus on the need for action, it will also explore how green skills training has already evolved to meet rapidly changing global needs.

Olga Strietska-Ilina, who has been involved in green skills research since 2008, explains this evolution. She says, “A decade ago, when countries first outlined their climate action plans under the Paris Agreement, skills development was rarely mentioned. Now, many more countries recognize the importance of preparing their workforce for the green transition, including specific policies for skills training and job market support. We have moved on to discussing how to implement and finance these programs effectively.”

Drawing on her 16 years at the ILO, Olga Strietska-Ilina will emphasize the need to create a “social dialogue” between governments, industry, and educational institutions. She says, “Making sure that skills training aligns with current and future needs requires multi-layered coordination – from inter-ministerial cooperation at policy level to engagement between training providers, industry, and labour representatives at the implementation level. The leadership may vary, but the crucial factor is that all stakeholders are involved in the conversation. Without this, even the best climate policies will fail to prepare our workforce.”

Gaining a deeper understanding of this need for coordination is something that Olga Strietska-Ilina hopes people will take away from the session. She adds, “My goal for this session is to uncover practical solutions. I am eager to hear from training providers, industry leaders, and governments, especially those from emerging economies, about what is working. We need to understand how to facilitate dialogue between stakeholders and integrate education and training measures effectively.” She also highlights the importance of funding, noting the need to explore innovative financing mechanisms for lifelong learning that motivate all parties to contribute. 

The session promises to be pivotal in the ongoing conversation about TVET’s role in the green transition. By bringing together global perspectives and focusing on practical solutions, it aims to chart a course for a more sustainable and skilled future workforce. Whether you are a policymaker, educator, industry leader, or a skilled professional who is passionate about adapting skills to meet the green transition, join us on 11 and 12 September for expert insights that will guide your decision-making.

Join the Conference as we shape the future of TVET. Find out more about registration, speakers, and the sessions.